[Official Transcript]


It seems to be the most common word used across news outlets today.

From fears of inflation, a looming recession and the energy emergency ... to food shortages and the supply chain.

You don’t have to look far to see some new terrifying headline.

But don’t worry. I’m not here to scare you. Instead, I’m on a mission to help you GET OUT of the danger zone, protect your wealth and put yourself and your loved ones on the winning side of history.

Because when I see headlines like these, I don’t worry. Instead, I see opportunities. In fact, hidden within all these crises happening around the world right now, are multiple opportunities for you to...

Safeguard your finances, and even prosper during these volatile times.

These hidden opportunities appear in individual stocks, from small caps to blue chips. And they can be found in sector exchange-traded funds or ETFs for commodities, energy, health care and financials. They even show up within larger market cycles themselves.

And they happen in relatively short windows of time. Usually only lasting around 90 days.

Yet, these opportunities can give you the chance to pocket...

Big, double- and triple-digit gains. Even when the overall market may not be in your favor.

You just need to know where to look. Or even better, have a proven, reliable system for automatically detecting these unique, moneymaking opportunities for you. Regardless of what the markets are doing or the fearmongering in the media.

That’s why I’m sharing my Max Profit Alert with you now. It’s a special system I developed to find incredible, wealth-building opportunities where others see trouble.

To make maximum profits, during times of maximum pessimism.

Just like these recent gains I made because of my Max Profit Alert … all while the market dropped 8% during the same time period.

A 140% gain in 51 days on the Russell 2000 with a collection of small-cap stocks…

A 21% gain in 91 days on the SPDR Materials fund…

A 36% gain in 14 days on another Russell play.

An incredible 221% in just 87 days on Chevron Corporation.

A 108% gain on another oil play.

And finally, a 62% gain on a Materials ETF.

A $1,000 investment into each of these six trades I just mentioned, would have grown your account to more than $11,900.

And $5,000 into each of those six trades would have ballooned your account to over $59,000.

All with the average trade lasting just 74 days.

Not bad, considering these trades took place over what’s been called the “worst first half for the market in 50 years.”

Yet, as you just saw, my Max Profit Alert allowed me to find these quick, double- and triple-digit gains while most investors were pulling out their hair.

So, look. I know there’s a lot of doom and gloom going on in the world right now. And while I realize times are tough for people…

I also know many investors are looking for direction … for answers … for someone to give them hope and a plan to not only preserve their hard-earned money. But also help them GROW their wealth for future generations to enjoy.

If that’s you, then you’ll want to pay close attention. Because I'm going to show you how to stop worrying about all the volatility in the stock market.

In fact, from here on out, you can ignore the threats of inflation, recession or any other economic and geopolitical crisis. And you can forget all the negative headlines you see in the news media.

Because I’m going to show you how to make irrational, fear-based decisions a thing of the past.

Plain and simple, I created my Max Profit Alert to help people prosper, no matter what's happening in the markets … no matter what the Fed is saying … no matter what new global catastrophes are taking place.

Because even during extremely dangerous big-picture events — there’s often a small window of opportunity that can increase your odds of success enormously … if you act on it. It’s like the saying goes...

Inside every crisis is an opportunity.

And I’ve found that’s especially true when it comes to making money in the markets. No matter what’s happening around the world or on Wall Street. Bull market … bear market … flat market … short-term rally … or even major market crash… Doesn’t matter.

My Max Profit Alert is a special, proprietary system, that alerts me to hidden opportunities no one else can see. Opportunities that allow the investors who follow my lead, the chance to make life-changing profits. Even if the rest of the markets are plummeting around them.

In fact, the special indicators behind my Max Profit Alert are so powerful, and so unique, that I’ve actually filed a patent with the U.S. Trademark Office. To ensure nobody else — no Wall Street firm, no institutional bank, no elite investor — nobody will EVER be able to use the Max Profit Alert but me.

I’m honored to say, my Max Profit Alert has helped thousands of everyday investors make consistent, double- and even triple-digit gains, once every month for more than a decade. Again, despite what the broader markets or economy are doing.

You can see some of those top-performing trades right here:

That’s a 69% gain in 98 days on the Royal Bank of Canada. A trade I recommended right before Bloomberg broke the news that the bank would be leading a group of investors in setting up the country's new stock exchange.

Then there’s the 118% gain I made on Marathon Oil in 147 days. This was a major energy play I recommended right before the start of the oil fiasco.

And there’s a 115% gain in 129 days on Blackstone Inc. A trade I recommended not long before the investment management firm announced it would be converting its company structure to unlock more shareholder value just a few months later.

Then there’s a 153% gain in 75 days on Rockwell Automation, a play we closed, just weeks before the CEO announced several disruptions to their manufacturing plants .

A 151% gain in 161 days on CVS. A trade we scooped up and closed some nice profits on, three weeks before the pharmacy announced it’d be shutting down 900 of its unprofitable locations.

And here’s a 302% gain I made on Barrick Gold in 160 days. I recommended this trade in early 2020, right before the World Health Organization declared the COVID-19 pandemic.

I’ll show you how my Max Profit Alert found all these trades in a moment. But for now, know this: Every time I get a Max Profit Alert, that means a new opportunity has opened up, and money is ready to be made.

And as you can see, my Max Profit Alert isn’t limited to plays on just ordinary stocks. You can use it to take advantage of ETFs, commodities and bonds as well … all using a regular brokerage account.

Following my Max Profit Alert is one of the truly rare opportunities you’ll have to safeguard your finances, build wealth and even bank money during these uncertain times.

And for many traders like me, it doesn’t get much better than that.

But before I show you how my Max Profit Alert works, allow me to introduce myself.

My name is Adam O’Dell.

I’m the Chief Investment Strategist for Money & Markets, where I show more than half a million people, in 128 countries, how to make money in the markets every day.

As a former hedge fund manager and trading expert, I’ve been recognized among the top 1% of all financial analysts in the world...

More importantly for you … I’ve been developing winning trading systems that help people make a lot of money in both bull markets and bear markets alike — for the last 15 years.

And today, I’ll reveal everything you need to know about my Max Profit Alert. So you too can have the chance to start making a double- or even triple-digit gain every month as well. Regardless of what the markets or economy are doing.

Plus, I’ll show you the precise way I time these unique opportunities. And I’ll reveal an exclusive safety feature in my system, that can help you in our current market condition. Finally, I’ll reveal a special method I use to multiply my gains even faster.

Best of all, you’ll be able to put the power of my whole Max Profit Alert system to the test and try out my proprietary trading strategy. No matter your age, net worth, education or investing experience.

Why am I doing this?

Because quite honestly, those in positions of leadership have failed us. And I can’t just sit back and watch as honest, hardworking Americans lose their shirts.

You deserve to have the guidance and direction you need to make the best choices possible for yourself and your loved ones. And I believe my Max Profit Alert will give you just that. Because it could help you protect your future and even prosper throughout these volatile times.

So, let’s not wait another moment… Let’s dive in to how my Max Profit Alert works. The key is finding regular, systematic moneymaking opportunities where others have thrown caution to the wind. That’s right, it all starts with human emotion. Let me explain.

We humans are emotional creatures… We’re driven instinctually by feelings of fear, greed, guilt, love and loss, among other emotions. These emotions often override logic.

Especially when our sensations are heightened, and we try to make critical decisions.

Instead of basing our decisions on logic — which should be the case when it comes to investing — most of us let emotion get in the way.

It’s been this way ever since investing began, and I’m convinced it’ll be this way as long as investing continues.

But for me, and those who follow my insights, that’s a good thing … because...

It creates unending profit opportunities.

Look at it like this. When enough people abandon logic and give into their emotions ... by either overbuying or overselling a particular stock or asset, it creates a crisis in that asset.

Once that crisis hits a specific tipping point, my Max Profit Alert sends me a signal about that opportunity. And again, these windows of opportunity are brief. So, the profits can materialize pretty fast.

This is exactly what happened when I scored the top-performing gains I just showed you. My Max Profit Alert identified all these exceptional winners over the last decade, in about 90 days or less.

That’s a 105% on an oil and gas infrastructure company…

A 127% gain on European stocks…

A 184% gain on a health care ETF…

A 186% gain on another petroleum company…

A 225% gain on a silver miner…

A 233% gain on a Canadian Dollar ETF…

A 256% gain on a Chinese large-cap ETF…

And a 430% gain on a grocery store of all things.

As you can see...

My Max Profit Alert found multiple double- and even triple-digit gains over the last 10 years.

97 double- or triple-digit gains to be exact. That’s more than HALF of my recommendations over the last 10 years … or roughly one double- or triple-digit winner per month. Each one averaging about a 90% return.

And many of those trades, as you just saw, have hit into the 100% and 200% range, and higher.

With partial positions hitting as high as 337% in 85 days, 428% in 58 days and 501% in 87 days.

So, I hope now you can see why I’ve gone through such lengths to perfect my Max Profit Alert. Because the gains it can produce are simply life-changing. And I want you to experience these same kinds of returns.

And it all starts with human emotion. Or rather, minimizing your emotions, and capitalizing on the emotions of others.

In short, when emotions send a stock too low, we can scoop it up in anticipation of the rebound. When emotions send a stock too high, we can get in and make money as it slides back down.

My Max Profit Alert identifies these emotional swings in the market, and allows me to capitalize on them before anyone else even realizes what’s happening.

Now, you’ve probably heard the famous quote from Warren Buffett: “Be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful.”

He said this because when the masses see the market going down, they start to panic … and they sell. They do so, not out of logic, but out of emotional fear.

And the reverse is true as well. When the masses see the market rising, they covet the profits and they buy out of greed.

The problem is the masses are always behind the curve. They’re always reactionary. We’ve seen this in every bubble and market crash in history.

It goes all the way back to the 1600s when the Dutch tulip market went sky-high.

The flowers were considered to be extraordinary plants, and so the price of tulip bulbs exploded higher as people bought them by the pound.

Eager to capitalize on tulip mania, speculators from all over the globe wedged into the market.

Novice traders even mortgaged their homes in order to take a gamble.

At one point, these single bulbs were changing hands 10 times per day.

Soon after, the tulip market crashed violently when the “greater fool” refused to pay the ludicrous tulip prices at auction.

Panic gripped the market and a crisis ensued. Thousands of traders were left in the lurch, with little to show for their second mortgages other than useless cartloads of tulip bulbs.

And despite this clear-as-day example of what not to do, investors have been falling into the “tulip trap” ever since. Whether that be the gold bubble of the 1980s ... the stock market bubble of the 1990s ... or the real estate bubble of the 2000s.

Likewise, a similar phenomenon happens when there’s a market crash and mass panic takes over.

This was the case in the crash of 1929 … the oil crisis and recession of the 70’s … the Global Financial Crisis in 2008 … and the corona crash of 2020. Investors were overwhelmed with emotion. And as a result, their irrational behavior distorted the markets.

The bottom line is this.

When investors are drunk with greed, undeserving stocks get caught up in the hype and are overbought, thus producing a market bubble. It’s irrational exuberance at its worst.

On the flip side, when investors are griped by fear, undeserving stocks are mercilessly hacked down. And they get oversold in a hurry, usually leading to a market crash like the infamous fall of Black Monday.

You can see this same pattern repeating itself in the current market downturn we’re seeing today. This time, the downward spiral is spurred by fears of inflation.

Suffice it to say, history repeats itself time and time again.

Bubble… Crash.

Bubble… Crash.

Bubble… Crash.

Both are crises inflamed by investor emotion. It’s an error in human behavior… The madness of crowds.

Yet, there are massive profit opportunities available for those wise enough to capitalize on this flaw in human behavior.

Again, take the quote from Buffett. He made a fortune during the bear market of the 1970’s, acquiring The Washington Post for pennies on the dollar.

Or look at the 18th-century British nobleman, Baron Rothchild. He made a fortune buying stocks during the panic that followed Napoleon’s defeat at Waterloo. Declaring the infamous line: “Buy when there’s blood in the streets.”

Then there’s Sir John Templeton, who made a fortune by scooping up $1 stocks during the Great Depression.

Templeton even bought shares of every single public company in Europe at the outset of World War II. Only to sell them four years later for a hefty profit. Templeton’s philosophy was simple:

“The time of maximum pessimism is the best time to buy, and the time of maximum optimism is the best time to sell.”

Templeton made billions living out what he preached. But he never explicitly stated how he was able to determine the points of maximum pessimism — when stocks are oversold. And the points of maximum optimism — when stocks are overbought, with such regularity.

Some say these points occur when your neighbor is telling you to dump shares of a company. Or when your mailman brags about the big gains he made on a “hot new stock.” But for me, that’s not nearly clear enough.

Before I put my money into something, and certainly before I recommend others do the same, I need to know that it’s a concrete investment.

So, I set out to break Templeton’s methodology … to find a quantifiable and scientific way to capitalize on buying at the times of maximum pessimism and optimism. And then selling at the perfect time to make a hefty profit.

And I’m proud to say I’ve done it, by creating the Max Profit Alert. I specifically designed my Max Profit Alert to remove all the emotional and irrational behavior of investors. And to capitalize on this irrationality of others, by finding hidden profit opportunities when there’s an overreaction in a stock’s price.

And with the gains my Max Profit Alert has found over the last decade, it’s easy to see why I want to protect my system.

Do I lose from time to time? Of course. Everyone does. Nothing in investing is guaranteed.

But remember...

I’ve made 97 double- or triple-digit gains over the last 10 years. More than half my recommendations, or roughly one double- or triple-digit winner per month. Each one averaging over 90%.

And if you take ALL 178 Max Profit trades I’ve made over the last 10 years — winners and losers — and average them out … my average trade is still up 22% in only 87 days.

That’s more than double the annual returns of the S&P 500, in a little over two months.

And more than 100% for the year.

Which again, as you’ve seen, many of my recommended trades have done well over 100% and even 200% in 90 days or less.

With partial positions hitting as high as 271% in 56 days, 302% in 160 days and 430% in 63 days.

Which brings me to a very important point. As you can see, I’ve found a TON of big, fast gains over the years.

And gains this big and this fast, can only be made with a specific type of trade.

Because trading just regular stocks will never get you these kinds of massive gains, this fast.

Instead, I’m using my favorite vehicle for maximum profits — options.


Because using options gives you multiple advantages over stocks. For one, you can accelerate your profits much faster. Two, you can trade with a lot less money. And three, you have 100% limited risk.

Which means the risk is capped at whatever the options contract costs. So, you can NEVER lose more than what you pay for the initial option. It’s literally impossible. This is the great safety feature I told you about.

Basically, an options contract allows you to trade 100 shares’ worth of stock, without paying the hundreds or thousands of dollars needed to buy that stock.

You can also make money much faster, since unlike a traditional buy-and-hold strategy, options contracts are time-bound.

And depending on which options contract you trade, you can make money if a stock goes up, or bet on that stock going down.

Which is great for us. Because when emotions send a stock price too low, we can scoop it up in anticipation of the rebound. And when emotions send a stock price too high, we can get in and make money as it slides back down. Again, this is how I’m able to capitalize on the emotions and over reactions of others.

Now, most people don’t trade options because of two ugly myths.

Myth No. 1 is the idea that options are much more risky. The truth is, all investing is risky. With a stock, you are taking a risk by betting on the direction of the company. Typically, you want it to go up.

And with an option, you’re taking two risks. Both on the direction of the stock AND the time it takes the stock to go that direction.

And options move much faster than typical stocks — both up AND down.

Of course, with my Max Profit Alert, I have used a scientific calculation to narrow down the timing of these opportunities. Which gives us an even better chance to make more money, more often.

As I mentioned, I’ve dialed in this short window of time to about 90 days. Or roughly three months.

I’ve found this short window of time is the perfect trading window needed to make consistent, double- and triple-digit gains.

Now myth No. 2 is that options are complicated.

Options, by themselves, are not difficult to understand. The reason some people think options are complicated is because many of the elaborate, and often confusing, trading systems out there use options.

But please hear me on this … my Max Profit Alert is NOT one of those systems.

The strategy I’ve devised is simple, straightforward and as you’ll see in a moment, very easy to understand.

You can even trade the options my Max Profit Alert finds with your normal brokerage account. All you need to do is fill out a simple, one-page form, if you haven’t already done so. It takes less than five minutes. That’s it.

Now that I’ve shown you how options are a quick way to accelerate your potential profits, let me show you how my Max Profit Alert works.

Remember, my goal was to develop a rational … methodical system, that would help me make money off the irrational emotions of others. In essence, I use logic to make money off other people’s illogic.

So how does the Max Profit Alert help me determine which stock options to play at what particular window of time?

Well, it’s all based on my proprietary three-filter system.

Filter No. 1 is what I call the T:M Quotient. The T:M Quotient is all about identifying the stock’s trend and momentum. So that I know what kind of option to recommend.

Now, I can't reveal the EXACT formula and time frames I look at to determine whether or not the stock meets my desired trend and momentum quotient. I have to preserve the core components of my system.

But the basic questions I’m asking are...

Which direction is the stock price heading? And how fast is it moving?

I've found that by ignoring traditional metrics like earnings and price-to-earnings ratios, and only focusing on a stock’s trend and momentum … I'm able to identify short-term stock moves before they happen. Moves that will then typically play out in that 90-day window, giving us the chance to profit.

I've developed a complete system to go along with my Max Profit Alert. This system scans the universe of 8,000 U.S. stocks and ETFs looking for the very best opportunities that meet my T:M quotient.

A stock isn’t a candidate for my Max Profit Alert until BOTH the trend and momentum quotient are met.

Once my T:M Quotient is met, I then go to filter No. 2: Identify the driving emotion.

This is where I look for what’s influencing the stocks’ price movement. It’s the primary driver of a stock’s trend and momentum.

Now, this can be as easy as googling news on the stock... And as tedious as reading the quarterly statements of a company, line by line. It just depends on the stock.

For example, maybe the company reduced its earnings forecast, or the company has cancelled a large contract. Or maybe there’s a rumor of a proposed buyout.

These things all affect a stock’s trend and momentum. But a stock’s trend and momentum can also be influenced by frivolous reasons.

It might be some bad PR about the CEO … or some celebrity bashing the company on Twitter. Again, I don’t really care all that much what the reason is.

I’m just looking for the driving emotion that’s influencing the stocks’ price. So that I know what kind of options contract is best for exploiting and profiting from that emotion.

When other investors emotionally follow the stocks movement in these cases, that’s where the opportunity for my third filter begins.

And that third filter is “The Buy Trigger.”

Now, I have to admit, I don’t attempt to buy at the EXACT point of maximum pessimism, or maximum optimism. That would be too risky.

I wait for the stock to show a sign that a turnaround is in the works. In other words, most the emotional sellers are gone, and the only people left holding the stock are those who are serious and want it for the long term.

That’s when our risk has been reduced, and the maximum profit potential is restored.

Let me give you a recent example of how my entire system played this out.

On May 23, at the World Economic Forum … Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez of Spain, told CNBC that his country could quote — “provide the answer” — to the European Union’s energy crisis. And eliminate the EU’s reliance on Russian fossil fuels.

The announcement was intentionally delivered at the World Economic Forum, when Sanchez knew all eyes would be on him. And he would have a captive audience on the world’s stage to pitch his plan.

As such, experts predicted his declaration would boost Spain’s economy. Because as the Spanish prime minister pointed out, Spain has 37% of the entire EU’s capacity for producing natural gas. Just shy of the 40% of natural gas the EU imported from Russia in 2021.

Enthusiasm for Prime Minister Sanchez’s message grew, as Spain’s plan gained momentum in the news. Headlines on Spain’s proposed energy solution appeared in Business Insider , CNBC, Bloomberg and the Financial Times.

It seemed everyone was getting on board. And since a quarter of the iShares Spain fund, symbol EWP, consisted of energy and utility companies — way more than any other sector in the fund — its success was expected to be a barometer for the prime minister’s plan.

And by May 27, just four days after Prime Minister Sanchez made his bold declaration … and the day after the World Economic Forum ended in Davos … EWP hit its four-month high on the New York Stock Exchange.

But while many were celebrating this quick win, I knew there was trouble afoot.

Because, I too had been watching EWP closely. But not for the same reasons as those in the mainstream financial press.

Instead, it was because I knew EWP was getting close to crossing my Max Profit Alert.

You see, I wasn’t watching the headlines … I was tracking EWP’s price movement, following my proprietary indicators for its trend and momentum.

And on June 1, 2022, EWP hit the T:M Quotient for my Max Profit Alert at the perfect time, giving me the buy trigger I was looking for.

So, I issued an urgent trade alert on EWP, saying: “I’ve scanned all my charts … and I’m confident this trade on EWP is our best bet.”

You see, I knew EWP had been overbought due to enthusiasm over Prime Minister Sanchez’s plan.

Sure, EWP held many of Spain’s energy companies. But there were several other holdings that inflated the ETF.

This was due to an emotional, knee-jerk reaction of too many investors sold on an easy solution to Europe’s energy crisis.

And just as my Max Profit Alert had projected, EWP took a nosedive the week following my trade recommendation.

So on June 13, I recommended my readers close a third of their position for a quick gain of 23% in just 12 DAYS…

That’s more than double the annual return of the S&P in only 2 WEEKS!

What’s more, is I recommended my readers hold their remaining stake in this position for an even bigger gain.

And sure enough, by June 15, our EWP trade was up more than 95% in just 45 days.

Now while our remaining stake in this position has slipped some in the weeks since, it’s still the highest gain in our open portfolio.

And with all the instability across Europe right now, I’m confident we’ll see this position go on to hit much bigger heights by the time we close it out completely.

But just picture it. If you would have closed on June 15 with the additional gain of 95% in 45 days...

That would have turned an initial $1,000 investment into more than $2,180 on the full position…

And a $5,000 investment, into more than $10,900 — all in about a month and a half.

Let that sink in.

Almost $11,000 could have been yours in a little over six weeks.

That’s a nice chunk of change in a pretty short amount of time, that would really bless a lot of people right now.

It could cover the costs for that kitchen remodel you may be thinking about…

Fund a much-needed "getaway” to the Smokey Mountains — where I grew up.

Or even help a child or grandchild pay down their student loan debt…

The choice could be yours.

That’s the power of my Max Profit Alert… It’s the best way to turn crisis into opportunity.

A proven way to make maximum profits from the market’s uncertainty and protect your wealth along the way.

Here’s another example that I mentioned earlier. Back on February 18 of 2020, I told my readers to place an options trade on Barrick Gold, just two days before the corona crash.

Now, I wasn’t worried when Barrick took a slight hit because again, I had been tracking this ETF’s trend and momentum.

We were only into this trade for 51 days. And on April 9, 2020, I issued a Max Profit Alert, telling my readers to close half of their initial stake for a 121% gain.

Now, most people would have been thrilled to make more than double on part of their initial investment in only 51 days.

But I knew we were still in the early innings of this trade. And when all retail traders started frantically piling into GOLD about a month later, I knew we had the chance to make even more money.

So, I told my readers to hold on to the other half of their initial stake and let the trade ride. Come July 27, everyone who followed my recommendation had the chance to cash out their other half for a 483% gain.

In other words, a modest $5,000 stake in this one position on Barrick Gold could have grown your account to more than $20,000 in just seven months.

And yet, here’s another example of my Max Profit Alert in action. In early 2016, the financial world was coming to an end.

The Dow had already dropped nearly 1,100 points in the first five trading days and marked its worst start to a year in its history at that point.

Some sectors in particular were really getting hammered, like commodities, for instance.

Oil plummeted more than $20 a barrel … losing nearly half its value, and hitting a 13-year low…

Gold was down more than 30% from where it was in just 2013.

And silver? Well, it had fallen 18% from $21 to just $17.

Yet right around the time of silver's rock bottom, on February 16, I received a Max Profit Alert on the left-for-dead miner, Pan American Silver Corp.

This was despite the headlines practically screaming — "STAY AWAY!"

But again, I don’t trade on headlines. I knew what my T:M Quotient was registering for Pan American. And here's what happened next:

As you can see, Pan American bounced around a good bit before setting my buy trigger.

And that's when Pan American started surging. Two and a half weeks after we got the Max Profit Alert on Pan American, I recommended my readers close half their position for a healthy 114% gain.

Then five weeks after that, I told them to sell the other half for a massive 336% profit on top of that!

All told, one silver play, would have turned every $5,000 invested in Pan American into $16,250 in only 63 days.

I could go on and on showing you example after example of how my Max Profit Alert turned instances of maximum pessimism and maximum optimism into maximum profits.

Remember, I’ve made 97 double- or triple-digit wins over the last 10 years … or roughly one double- or triple-digit winner per month. Each one averaging 90%.

So instead of just showing you more of my winners, let me just tell you how you can start claiming Max Profit Alert winners for yourself.

I’ve systematized and packaged everything for you in an elite research service I call Adam O’Dell’s Max Profit Alert.

This is the only place where I issue my Max Profit Alerts on two to three new trades every month. And outline to a “T” which type of specific option trade is the best approach for potentially making maximum profits.

Look, there's no shortage of investing strategies today.

Some people invest in speculative IPOs. Others invest on headlines, or take trading tips from TikTok.

But those are all the kinds of things that lead investors down the wrong road … to make hasty, emotional decisions with their money.

They overreact to news clippings or sound bites they see on CNBC … and jump the gun by overbuying or overselling on some new fad or crisis.

But this is exactly what I designed my Max Profit Alert system to avoid.

I’ve spent the last 15 years perfecting this system to capitalize on this illogical behavior in the markets.

So I don't care about what some influencer on social media says about a stock … or about all the hype some new flashy startup is getting in the mainstream media.

And I definitely don't care who's yielding the power in D.C. None of that matters to me.

Instead, I designed my Max Profit Alert system to analyze stocks based on my proprietary T:M Quotient, and dozens of other factors.

Because when it comes to finding winning investments, I only care about two things…

  1. Where has the stock price been?
  2. And where is it going?

My Max Profit Alert makes it as simple as that. And I want it to be the same for you.

Let me show you what you get if you decide to join me inside of Max Profit Alert today.

First off, just for joining Max Profit Alert, I'd like to immediately give you three, FREE bonus resources.

The first is a special briefing called The Strategy Report: The Secret to 90-Day Profits.

This simple report will give you all the details on how to use my complete Max Profit Alert system.

And it will outline everything you can expect to see in each and every Max Profit Alert you’ll receive.

Next up is a short, five-part video series I filmed for you called — Maximizing Profits with Options.

This is your second free bonus. In these five videos, I'll tell you everything you need to know to place your Max Profit Alert options trades with complete confidence.

I’ll explain in more detail the three advantages of trading options over stocks. And outline the benefits of trading options, where your potential for profits far outweighs your risk.

And if you’re new to options, I’ll show you how to easily set up your brokerage account. So, you’ll be all set to make your first trade. Basically, you’ll have everything you need to begin maximizing your profits on the trade opportunities I recommend.

But what if you’re just not ready to trade options yet?

That’s a great question. And don't worry, because I've got you covered here as well.

Because even if you're not comfortable using options, you can still take advantage of my powerful Max Profit Alert system, by following along with me and just buying the underlying stocks instead.

This is a good way to get your feet wet.

Or you can even paper trade the plays if you want, totally risk-free.

So you’ll still be able to enjoy all the benefits of being in the Max Profit Alert community without trading options.

I explain how to do this in your third free bonus: another special report called The Simple Way to Profit From Green Zone Stocks.

This report will show you in full detail how easy AND profitable it could be for you to simply trade stocks with Max Profit Alert.

All three of these exclusive bonuses are yours today when you join me inside of my Max Profit Alert.

Plus, you’ll instantly secure your exclusive access to these special, member benefits.

To begin, every month you’ll get two to three new Max Profit Alerts.

You'll receive a trade alert every time I decide a new Max Profit opportunity is ripe for the picking, between two and three times a month.

Each alert will include the stock’s ticker symbol, insights as to why I chose them and my reasoning for the specific options play.

You’ll also receive clear and specific instruction on the entry price, so you can be assured of your chance for making the most profits.

Then, each week, you’ll get our Max Profit Alert weekly updates.

These will be video and sometimes written updates, where I’ll review all of the open positions in our Max Profit Alert model portfolio. I’ll also update you on the latest financial news and events. And give you my take on all the biggest investment trends, so you’ll always be “in the know.”

Plus, you’ll get VIP access to our Max Profit Alert, members-only website.

Complete with 24/7 access, secure login credentials, and a live look at our current model portfolio and past performance.

You’ll also be able to access our complete archive of weekly updates, trade alerts, and special reports. All there to further equip you for success.

Finally, membership in my Max Profit Alert includes 365-day access to our award-winning customer support and concierge service team.

If you have any questions about your account or need any help accessing the portfolio, our concierge service team will always be there to assist you.

So, to recap, if you join me inside of Max Profit Alert today, you’ll instantly secure a year’s access to…

Plus, three FREE bonus resources, that you can enjoy immediately:

Now I could easily charge $5,000 for a year’s membership in my Max Profit Alert.

But because I’m on a mission to help you make maximum profits from the market’s current pessimism…

I’m not charging anywhere near that.

Instead, I’ve decided to sponsor an incredible discount on the annual price to allow as many people as possible to join.

Because as I mentioned earlier, I refuse to sit back and watch as hardworking Americans look for answers.

I’m making my Max Profit Alert available at such a low cost today, to allow regular, salt-of-the-earth people … people like my parents and grandparents, who are from a small town in West Virginia…

Have the same opportunities to protect their net worth and grow their wealth during these times, as the elites have on Wall Street.

People like Mark, Christine, Doug and thousands of others.

Remember, of the nearly 200 trades I’ve recommended in Max Profit Alert over the last 10 years … 97 of those have been double- or triple-digit winners in an average of just 87 days. That’s more than half of my recommendations over the last 10 years … or roughly one double- or triple-digit winner per month. Each one averaging around 90%.

With many of those have hit triple-digit gains as high as 105% in 78 days, 133% in 56 days, 168% in 63 days and 203% in 56 days.

And partial positions hitting as high as 337% in 85 days, 428% in 58 days and 501% in 87 days.

That’s why when you join Max Profit Alert today, I’ll also include my 12-trade, 100% guarantee.

I guarantee that at least 12 of our annual trades will hit AT LEAST 100% in 30 days. That’s an average of one triple-digit gain per month. Or else, I’ll personally PAY for your second-year membership in Max Profit Alert.

And to ease any other doubts or concerns you may have … I’ll make you a second guarantee. I promise that if at any point during the next 90 days, you decide this service just isn’t for you ... for whatever reason…

Simply call our concierge support, and we’ll give you a full credit worth the amount you paid today. You’ll be able to apply this credit to any of our other elite research services of your choosing.

That means you have the equivalent of a THREE-MONTH trial period for you to experience the results of my Max Profit Alert for yourself.

Where I’ll take on all the risk of your first year of membership during this 90-day trial, so that you can have complete peace of mind.

Just click the button below to get started. When you do, you’ll have the opportunity to review the full details of this limited-time offer before you fill in you details.

Now, if you’re sitting there wondering if this opportunity is right for you, RIGHT NOW…

Let me emphasize something. The world as we know is changing drastically. Technology is accelerating faster and faster. Which means so are the opportunities to profit. Because human nature doesn’t change.

We’re still largely the same emotional beings we were 10,000 years ago. We still have the “fight or flight” instincts that saved our ancestors from being attacked by saber tooth tigers in the brush. And we still approach investing with the same emotional vulnerabilities as those caught up in the Dutch Tulip-mania 500 years ago.

Our emotional structure has not changed. So we live in a culture clash between human nature and technology.

Consider this. The smartphone in my pocket is far more powerful than all the computing power of all Wall Street’s brokerage firms COMBINED in the 1970s.

Not only that, but I can use this same smartphone to buy $100,000 worth of stocks with just a few clicks on the screen.

No more than 20 years ago, I would have had to call or visit my broker in person to place that kind of order. But technology changed all that.

So, my point is simple. Technology has advanced. But we as humans … the core essence of our very nature has not changed all that much. We’re still irrational, illogical, emotional beings.

Technology and human emotion. These two worlds are colliding, and they’re creating some very great profit opportunities — if you know where to look. The crises just reveal them faster. And for those who can discern the times...

TODAY’S opportunity can be greater than any other.

Greater than the opportunity Templeton had to scoop up $1 investments during the Depression… And more profitable than Buffett’s early years building Berkshire Hathaway in the 1970s.

In the same way, I designed my Max Profit Alert to find those exact points of maximum pessimism … and maximum optimism …to help you make MAXIMUM PROFITS.

Join me inside of Max Profit Alert today, and let me do all the hard work for you.

Just click the button below to get started.

And let’s MAXIMIZE your future together.


Adam O'Dell
Founder, Max Profit Alert

July 2022