He’s delivered over 73 double- and triple-digit winners since 2012. And now one of America's most successful financial analysts finally reveals his secret.

Over the last seven years, this small but powerful window of opportunity has delivered top gains as high as 116%, 124%, 140%, 197%, 201%, 336% and even 432%... ALL in less than 90 days!

Adam O'Dell, MBA, CMT
Chief Investment Strategist
Adam O'Dell has quietly become one of America’s most successful trading experts. After a successful run trading the treacherous international currency markets, Adam began doing private research for Main Street investors in 2011.
By combining sophisticated algorithms and a systematic, rules-based strategy, Adam has helped thousands of people just like you learn how to profit from trading opportunities that they would never find on their own. He uses his proprietary “Green Zone” trading system to uncover investments that deliver maximum profit with minimum risk.
Hi. Adam O’Dell here.
Today I’m going to show you the system I developed that’s able to help me detect small windows of profit opportunity…
Windows that give you the chance to pocket big double- and triple-digit profits… even when the overall market may not be in your favor.
It’s a system that’s allowed me to accurately predict more than 78 winning trades (and counting) since 2012…including 73 double-and triple-digit gains…
Simply by waiting for stocks to enter what I call the “Green Zone”.
I’d like to show you how you could’ve used the research based on this system to win an average of nearly 6 out of every 10 trades…
Bank an average profit of nearly 15% per trade (taking winners and losers into account) with an average hold time of about 2.5 months per trade…
Just imagine what those returns in your portfolio could mean:
You could put that money toward the debt in your life— like car loans or even your mortgage…
Trade up from a week at the beach by putting money toward your very own home at the shore, the lake or in the mountains…
Or sock away money to help your children or grandchildren pay for their college tuition.
Depending on what you start with and how long you keep at it, this could be the key to your financial freedom.
In a moment I’ll reveal how I developed my proprietary system that’s enabled me to look at this…

And zero in on a very precise moment of major profit opportunity like this…

Over 78 times over the last seven years…
While absolutely trouncing the broader markets.
But to give you the full story, I really need to take you back to the early 2000s.
That’s when I was a 22-year old first-year student at the West Virginia University School of Medicine.
I had vowed, like all good medical students, to help people.
But the 80-hour work week, with little time for sleep, socializing… sometimes even eating… well, it took its toll on me. And after a year I realized my heart just wasn’t in it.
I still wanted to help people… I just needed the personal freedom to live MY life too.

But my year in med school wasn’t a total waste.
The coursework honed my analytical and critical-thinking skills… and taught me how to use the scientific method, and statistical analysis, to solve complex puzzles.
And when I decided to move to where my true passion was – finance and investing – there was one thing I took with me that proved to be the KEY to the incredibly powerful (and profitable!) system I’m going to reveal to you today.
You see medicine, like a lot of things in life, relies a lot on timing.
For instance, stroke victims have about a 4½ hour window to be administered a powerful blood-thinning medication that can save them from permanent brain and motor function damage and even death.
Miss that 4½ hour window and the odds of dangerous brain bleeds or even a second stroke shoot up significantly.
For a patient in septic shock, every hour that antibiotics are delayed increases their chances of death by 8%.
National guidelines recommend heart attack victims needing an angioplasty must have it performed within 90 minutes of the patient arriving at the emergency room… otherwise, blood clots obstructing the artery could prove fatal.
The list goes on and on… but the lesson I took from all of this information was this:
Even during extremely dangerous big-picture events – there’s very often a small window of opportunity that can increase your odds of success enormously… if you act on it.
I’ve always remembered that. It’s a great life lesson that applies far beyond medicine.
And it’s especially helped me when it comes to making money in the markets… no matter what’s happening on Wall Street.
Bull market… bear market… flat market… short-term rally… or even major market crash…
There are small windows of opportunity, however small, available all the time for investors to make life-changing profits.
Even if the rest of the markets are plummeting around them!
The Opportunity for Big Profits Are All Around You… If You Know Where to Look
The stock market never goes straight up or straight down…
It’s cyclical with long-term periods of booms and busts…
And plenty of short-term ups and downs in between.
With the ten-year bull market crashing to a halt, I can’t sit here and tell you I know which direction it goes next week, next month, or next year.
But here’s the thing…
I don’t care!
I’m a trading expert.
I’m not focusing on where the market will be in 10 years, five years, or even one year from now.
Instead, I’m looking at where investors can make money in the next few months… and sometimes even the next few weeks.
And the system that I developed for my readers helps me do exactly that.
Because, by using surgically-precise timing, I can pinpoint the small windows of opportunity in stocks…
Then identify short-term options trades that have the potential to lead to fast double- and sometimes even triple-digit gains…
And get back out, cash in hand, before most investors even know what happened.
Here’s how that looks in real trades that I’ve recommended in 2019…
This Green Zone opportunity produced 116% in just five weeks!

This one delivered my readers the chance for 64% profits in 3 days!

And this one gave my readers the opportunity to bank 267% in eight weeks!

Over the last several years, some of the fast-profit opportunities I pinpointed with my system resulted in gains of:
Green Zone Profits! |
267% from IHF in 57 days |
407% from XLY in 57 days |
88% from USO in 95 days |
68% from USO in 42 days |
337% from FXC in 86 days |
61% from OXY in 39 days |
62% from EWY in 7 days |
89% from CREE in 35 days |
79% from CF in 45 days |
183% from FXI in 106 days |
45% from XBI in 64 days |
64% from GDX in 4 days |
117% from MDT in 36 days |
40% from TGP in 67 days |
89% from MDT in 36 days |
432% from SVU in 64 days |
84% from XLU in 37 days |
59% from XLF in 78 days |
136% from USO in 99 days |
86% from IEF in 14 days |
On average, we’re delivering a gain of 14.45%, with an average hold time of about 71 days. These aren’t just shots in the dark either. These are mathematical profit opportunities that showed up over and over again across all corners of the market.
In broad sectors like commodities, energy, consumer staples, financials, and currencies…
In individual stocks from small caps to blue chips…
They even appear within the larger moves of the markets themselves!
And you can find them…
In Bull Markets, Bear Markets, and Everywhere in Between!
Since November 2012 when I started tracking these “Green Zone” opportunities, the S&P 500 has gone up about 100%. That’s an average annual return of 9.8%.
And for an investor who was able to buy and hold through all the volatility those years generated, an investment in the S&P 500 would have turned a $5,000 investment into just $10,000.
But in that same period, I’ve identified dozens of stocks that have entered their profit Green Zone…
Each lasting around 90 days or less.
Now while you can certainly trade the underlying stocks I recommend and do very well…
Most of my readers prefer to use options to collect double-digit, even triple-digit profits like the ones I’ve just shown you.
Like the SuperValu trade in 2018 that could have turned a $10,000 stake into $53,000 in two months…
Or my recommendation in the U.S. Healthcare Sector in 2019 that could have turned $10,000 into $28,382 in 8 weeks.
Imagine what a gain like that could do for you…
Would it mean a dream trip for you, your spouse and even your kids anywhere in the world?
That RV, boat or motorcycle you’ve always wanted…
Or would you roll all that money into more trades to potentially grow it even further?

But here’s the thing: Not every profit window is actually worth going after…
And not every trade I recommend will go* on to be a winner – I have some losers in my track record as well. There’s risk associated with all investing strategies, including this one.
But that’s why my system has a special trigger I call the “signal” that I can use to identify when they have the HIGHEST profit potential with the LOWEST risk.
Because you’ve got a green light to buy when this signal flashes…
And because the profits can be so large…
I’ve called this small window of opportunity…
“The Green Zone”
Since I’ve started tracking this GOsignal, I’ve been able to successfully alert my readers to 78 of these Green Zone opportunities that have gone on to produce profits.
So, you can sit in an S&P 500 index fund, and ride out the roller coaster for an average gain of about 10% a year…
Or you can allow me and my system to target these short profit windows and have the chance to pocket double- and occasionaly even triple-digit gains in just two to three months’ time.
Over and over again!
Let me show you what I mean…
A Hidden 225% Gain
To truly show you the power of investing inside a stock’s Green Zone, I need to take you back a few years…
In February 2016, the financial world was coming to an end.
By the 11th of that month, the Dow had dropped 2,060 points in around five weeks for the worst start to a year in its history.
Some sectors in particular were really getting hammered… like commodities, for instance.
Oil plummeted more than $20 a barrel… losing nearly half its value.
Gold was down more than 40% from where it was in just 2013.
And silver? Well it had fallen from $43 to around just $14 an ounce.
Yet right around the time of silver's rock bottom, on February 16th, I received a huge GOsignal on a left-for-dead miner, Pan American Silver Corp.
This was despite the headlines practically screaming – "STAY AWAY!"

Here's what happened next:

As you can see, Pan American bounced around a good bit before entering my buy signal was triggered.
Depending on the time frame you might have traded the stock for a slight profit or a slight loss.
Except for the window of opportunity that I call the Green Zone.
You can see when it begins right there on the chart. You'll also see that's EXACTLY where my system triggered its GOsignal.
And that's when Pan American started surging.
Its Green Zone lasted almost exactly eight weeks.
Two and a half weeks after we got the green light, I recommended my readers close out half the position for a healthy 114% gain to fully protect their starting stake…
Then five weeks after that, I told them to sell the other half for a massive 336% profit on top of that!
All told, a 225% return was on the books!
That would have turned every $5,000 invested in Pan American into $16,250.
Now here's what's interesting…
During this two-month Green Zone of opportunity, the price of silver itself did next to nothing, up a measly 6%…
And despite beating on earnings on May 12th, Pan American actually dropped as much as 13% in the weeks following a good earnings number!
But the truth is… none of that matters one bit.
You can take all the quarterly earnings reports, all the macroeconomic events, all the global uncertainty, all the negative headlines… and throw them ALL out the window.
The ONLY thing that matters is the small window of time a company spends inside the Green Zone.
In fact, over the last seven years, my system has issued GO signals on stocks entering the Green Zone that could have handed you top gains of:
Green Zone Profits! |
267% from IHF in 57 days |
407% from XLY in 57 days |
88% from USO in 95 days |
68% from USO in 42 days |
337% from FXC in 86 days |
61% from OXY in 39 days |
62% from EWY in 7 days |
89% from CREE in 35 days |
79% from CF in 45 days |
183% from FXI in 106 days |
45% from XBI in 64 days |
64% from GDX in 4 days |
117% from MDT in 36 days |
40% from TGP in 67 days |
89% from MDT in 36 days |
432% from SVU in 64 days |
84% from XLU in 37 days |
59% from XLF in 78 days |
136% from USO in 99 days |
86% from IEF in 14 days |
And dozens more … delivering, on average, a gain of 14.45% with an average hold time of 71 days.
How is that possible?
It's the Simplest Question to Answer:
When is the safest time to drive through a busy intersection?
You WOULDN'T drive your car through an intersection on a red light. The odds are pretty high that you'd get killed by another car passing through.
And you really SHOULDN'T drive your car through an intersection on a yellow light because there are a lot of things that could go* wrong…
Sure, you might make it through unscathed… but the light could also turn red and you could get a ticket… or you might hit another car or, even worse, a pedestrian trying to hurry across the street…
Bottom line: it's just too risky and uncertain to be worth it.
But of course you WOULD and SHOULD drive through on a green light.
Because that's the time when you've got the best odds of getting across that intersection safely and successfully.
The same goes for investing.
If you knew you were investing during a time when you were most likely to lose money… would you?
Or would you invest when there are a lot of risky unknowns still in play that could just as easily push the stock down as it could up?
Wouldn't you much rather invest during a period when a stock has its BEST odds of making you money?
It's Just Common Sense…
- Red – NO!
- Yellow – NO!
- Green – GO!!!
Of course, nothing is guaranteed in investing...
But it's this kind of easy-to-understand approach that's got so many of my readers excited about my system and how they did with the Pan American Silver trade in that nine week window…
Readers like Pat A. who made me laugh when he wrote:
“My biggest gain was $22,370 on PAAS, up 267%!!!” PAT A.
Bill N. did even better…
“PAAS was a GREAT trade! I made 260% profit… WOW! Thanks so much for a great job!” BILL N.
And Delon D., who did fantastic on the trade, messaged me to say:
“I made a 261.87% gain on PAAS in 2 months. That was a great one. One of the best I have ever done” DELON D.
You see, sometimes complex systems really can be broken down into simple concepts… and the stock market is no exception.
Today I'm going to show you exactly how simple it is to just stop worrying about all the volatility in the stock market…
To ignore the unknowns of company earnings, world events, and global economics…
And to make all the irrational decisions and emotional over-reactions that so many investors fall prey to a thing of the past.
Because the system that I've created and that I'm about to reveal to you flashes a clear GOsignal before MANY big stock moves…
That signal opens up a window of opportunity – or "Green Zone" as I call it – that allows you to close more winning trades and increase your profits by as much as seven times compared to any other period.
No matter what's happening in the markets… no matter what the Fed is saying… no matter what world events are taking place…
Let me show you what I mean…
For at least the last 20 years, investors have yawned at supermarket and grocery stocks.
With good reason, mind you.
Supermarkets are slow-growing businesses that (outside of Whole Foods and a few other niche players) survive on low margins and lots of volume.
So I wasn’t surprised that grocers almost never made it appeared on my radar of high-potential trades.
But then on May 29, 2018, a regional grocer named SuperValu finally entered its Green Zone… and immediately triggered a GOsignal.

In the next 60 days, you could have captured a massive 430% profit, thanks to a surprise takeover bid from United Natural Foods.
And once again, I didn't review a single earnings report…
I didn't pay any attention to whether or not the Fed was going to raise rates…
And I didn't look at a single press release or news article to try to explain why I should buy SuperValu.
I simply trusted a system that I've been using for over seven years (and back-tested with more than twice that many!) when it alerted me to SuperValu.
Here's another example…
I got a GOsignal on MasTec, a construction and infrastructure company out of Florida.
An outside observer might have thought this was a pretty weird time to buy into MasTec.
Its share price had been on a roller coaster ride for seven months until it really cratered in February.

Then as the markets rebounded from their terrible 2016 start, so did MasTec's stock.
But how could anyone know if this was just the company snapping back up along with the rest of the market after a huge loss?
What if MasTec was just going to drop right back down in a week and continue its volatility?
These were the questions plaguing worried investors, hesitant to jump in on the stock when they saw it bounce back.
But luckily, those questions weren't plaguing me.
Because on March 21st my system triggered a GOsignal and the next morning I sent out this alert to my readers:
Adam O'Dell
Subject: ALERT
Yesterday, our algorithm triggered a ‘buy alert’ on MasTec… and I can see why. By my best estimates, if we see the stock move to around $23.75 over the next few months… this bullish industrial position could hand us a 100% gain or better.
You see, it didn't matter to me that MasTec had been choppy over the last few months… and it didn't matter to me that the share price had hit a five-year low just a few weeks earlier…
All that mattered was that, according to my system and research, MasTec was entering its Green Zone.
So, what happened next?

By the time its Green Zone ended in early June, MasTec produced a 106% gain in less than three months… enough to DOUBLE your investment.
Exactly what my research had predicted!
The Green Zone also helps you identify which up-moves are for real and worth riding for all they’re worth.
Take my July 2018 play on Medtronic for instance…
This time I wasn’t ignoring an avalanche of warning signs…
I was looking at the world’s largest medical device maker in the middle of a particularly strong rally for health care stocks.
Many investors hesitate when a sector is red hot…thinking they missed the “meat” of the move and they’re going to lose money when the move runs out of steam… usually right after they buy.
A stock or sector on a winning streak doesn’t faze me one bit.
Because, just like every other trade I recommend, I simply wait for my system's GOsignal on Medtronic to alert me when it is entering its Green Zone, do my research and due diligence to verify it, and then quickly send out word to my readers…
Adam O'Dell
Subject: ALERT
Like the broader health care sector, and the medical devices industry group, Medtronic shares are in a buy-qualified uptrend… and they’re showing market-beating momentum, according to our forward-looking algorithm.
All told, Medtronic has great potential to be a lucrative breakout stock.
So how did it play out? Take a look:

One month into the trade, I recommended my readers close out half of the position to bank a fantastic 89% winner.
But I was confident Medtronic wasn't finished yet… its Green Zone was still in effect, so I left the other half of the play open.
And two months later, readers had the chance to close that out for an even bigger 115% gain.
So when it was all said and done, Medtronic’s Green Zone ended up returning a 102% profit in just over 90 days.
And on average, we’re delivering a gain of 14.45% in about 71 days. Now take note of the timeframes these returns are coming in… because there's something I want to make sure you know about them. I'll tell you what in a minute.
But first, it's important that you know…
My System's Success Isn't Just a Recent Phenomenon…
It's been working right from the start.
One of the very first recommendations I made using it was back in 2012 when I told readers that grocery giant Kroger had entered its Green Zone.
And that meant it was GOtime.

Less than 48 hours after my recommendation, my Kroger trade soared 51%… and by the time the position was fully closed out, you could have pocketed a 113% gain in just 10 weeks!
Had you followed my detailed instructions when Kroger entered the Green Zone, you could have turned a $5,000 investment into $9,100.
I quickly followed that trade up with a GOsignal on farm equipment manufacturer Titan Machinery…

Readers who followed my GOsignal when Titan entered its Green Zone had a chance to lock in a quick 140% gain in just over two months…
Enough to turn every $5,000 invested into $12,000!
These two wins were the first of 6 straight I recommended that year.
Now, having conducted a back test on my system using 15 years of data before it went live, I was already incredibly confident that it was equipped to deliver a slew of double- and triple-digit returns once I began making live recommendations.
But actually seeing it occur was still a dream come true.
And since late-2012 when I took my system public, my readers who have followed it have had the opportunity to enjoy more than their fair share of big winners:

• 91% profit in less than three months on the Consumer Discretionary Sector ETF (XLY)
• 58% profit in less than four months on PAREXEL International (PRXL)
• 80% profit in about seven weeks on Lowe's (LOW)
• 165% profit in three months on the iPath S&P 500 Volatility ETF (VXX)
• 50% profit in 52 days on Aqua America, Inc. (WTR)
• 104% profit in less than two months on pharmaceutical giant Merck (MRK)
• 85% profit in a little longer than three months on ING Group (ING)
• 56% in seven weeks on Monster Beverage Co. (MNST)
• 86% profit in two months on the SPDR utilities sector ETF (XLU)
• 135% profit in five months from international oil company Royal Dutch Shell (RDS)
• 83% profit in seven weeks on Ryland Group (RYL)
• 70% profit in three months from Royal Bank of Canada (RY)
• 153% profit in 10 weeks from Rockwell Automation (ROK)
• And many, many more…
All told, we've racked up over 78 winning trades since 2012 by investing only when a company enters its Green Zone and my system triggers the GOsignal … typically delivering an average gain of 14.45% in 71 days — including winners and losers.
Now like I said, my track record isn’t perfect — and not all winners are going to be in the double and triple digits. You should run from anyone who promises you that.
But my results are certainly something to be proud of, and I know my readers appreciate them as well…
It's what's led reader Joe B., along with others, to send me these flattering words about ROK, which was held in our model portfolio for 76 days…
“On ROK, I bought 45 contracts at $5.75 and sold at $18.25. Cost: $25,875. Sold for $82,125. How could I not be happy? I have made good money on all your buys…”
Thanks, Joe… it's notes like yours that make all the hard work worth it…
Brian W. sent me these kind words and I was really excited to hear about his results with ROK…
“I can't begin to express how grateful I am for finding (your system). I put just $4K into your trade suggestion on this and already have doubled my money to $8k, not to mention I've made money on two other holdings. You have such an amazing system! It more than paid back its cost in a couple of months, and I haven't even been trading that much.”
And Chip D. instantly recognized the difference between my system and others he's tried…
“I made 104.92% on the first half of ROK and 188% on the second half of ROK to close that one out a short time back on your recommendations! I've been at this since 1984 and have NEVER made these kinds of returns this quickly! Keep up the good work.”
I'm sure at this point you're wondering – how does this system of mine actually work?
How can it disregard everything from earnings reports to market volatility to just basic bad press… and pinpoint exactly where a company's Green Zone profit window will open?
Well, while I can't reveal to you every detail of its inner workings, I can definitely fill you in on the most important parts.
Allow me to introduce to you…
The “Cycle 9 System”: A Simple Concept for a Complex Market
Look, there's no shortage of market strategies out there today.
Some people are value investors. Some are trend investors. Some rely on the newest algorithms and trading patterns.
But I don't care whether a stock is a value stock or a growth stock.
I also don't care whether a stock is raising or lowering earnings estimates, improving profit margins or hiring a new CEO.
And I don't care who's in charge in the White House or whether Republicans or Democrats control Congress when it comes to finding winning trades.
Those are all the kinds of things that lead investors to make hasty emotional decisions with their money.
To overreact to news clippings or sound bites they see on CNBC and jump the gun on buying or selling…
That's exactly what I designed my “Cycle 9 System” to avoid.
Remember – I told you that, with my system, those types of emotional reactions can become a thing of the past.
Because when it comes to finding good investments I only care about two things…
- Where has the stock price been?
- And where is it going?
Those two pieces of info make up what's called "price action" and while it may sound simple enough, there's actually a bit more going on here.
Professional traders spend countless hours analyzing charts looking for signals that will tell them where a stock is going.
Bollinger bands, moving averages, X-like crossovers of obscure chart signals…
These are technical details the average investor doesn't want or need.
And the truth is none of these technical signals alone will accurately predict a stock's future price action.
That's why I've developed a system that boils all of this information down into just TWO key metrics… trend and momentum.
You see, I've found that by ignoring traditional metrics like earnings and P/E ratios… and only focusing on an investment's trend and momentum, I'm able to identify short-term stock moves before they happen.
They're what I've been calling a stock's "Green Zone" – a small window of profit opportunity that usually lasts 90 days or less.
I'm able to identify the Green Zone's beginning and endpoint using a sophisticated computer program I wrote myself.
It's the beating heart of the Cycle 9 System.

This program is powerful enough to help me dissect millions of pieces of market data that have literally just occurred and then analyze them in just minutes.
First, it looks at the stock's trend and asks one simple question:
Which direction is the price heading?
Now, I can't reveal the EXACT formula and timeframe I look at to determine whether or not that price trend meets my criteria for a GO. I have to protect the core components of my system.
But obviously I want that trend to be pushing the price UP.
If it's higher, then my system categorizes the stock as a candidate for a GOsignal. If not, it isn’t qualified and instantly gets tossed out.
But the trend alone isn't enough to trigger a GO…
I still need to know at what rate the stock is advancing. In other words, I must know what kind of momentum it has behind it.
Is it climbing at a rate of 2% per day… or a rate of just 0.5% a day?
Think of it this way…
A Boeing 747 needs to hit 180 mph before it can take off from a runway.

Why 180? Because that's the speed it takes to overcome both the drag and the weight of the airplane and get it into the air.
Anything less than 180 mph and that plane would drop right back down the ground… a catastrophe.
My system looks at companies in the same way.

Think of drag and weight as everything you could have going against a stock – earnings, economics, even investor sentiment…
Just like an airplane, a stock needs a certain amount of momentum to overcome all of that and establish a steady trend upward.
And when a stock's momentum has reached its "takeoff speed," it will enter its Green Zone and trigger my GOsignal.
It's also important to note that just like different sizes and types of planes, every stock has its own unique takeoff speed…
And my system is specifically designed to know how much momentum each stock needs to push it up and into the Green Zone.
At that point, the stock's share price stands a very good chance of rising over the next 90 days.
And these gains can happen regardless of what the broad markets or underlying fundamentals look like.
With my GOtrigger, obvious data like volume, earnings, and P/E ratios are pretty much meaningless.
What matters are just two things:
- Is the stock's price moving higher over my required timeframe?
- And is the momentum behind that price trend strong enough to carry it up into the Green Zone?
Because, just like a Boeing 747, if it doesn't have the right momentum, it'll crash and burn.
I can show you exactly what I mean with just one simple picture…

You see, I actually use a collection of different indicators and relationships to evaluate where a stock has been and where it's going.
But I'm able to take all of those indicators and dump them into one of two bins – trend and momentum
It's just so much simpler to only focus on those two major factors as a whole… rather than try to evaluate all the different pieces that make them up.
My trend bin pulls together multiple indicators that tell me how strong the price action of the stock is. It tells me where it's been and where it's likely going… and how quickly it'll take to get there.
I hate using the term "trend" all alone though… too many investors have been burned simply trying to follow a trend.
In fact, some of the yellow areas on the stock charts I've shown you are periods in which the trend was supposedly in our favor.
That's why trend alone isn't enough. A stock can't enter the Green Zone until BOTH the trend and momentum bins match up.
The momentum bin represents how strong a stock is relative to others in the market. It also represents the collective strength of several different metrics I use to evaluate thousands of stocks every day.
And by using multiple signals in my evaluation of a stock's momentum I'm able to filter out many of the mistakes other trading algorithms make.
Without both of these metrics aligning properly, my system will NEVER issue a GOsignal.
Look, if you've been paying any attention the past several years, then you know there's very little that's rational about the stock market these days.
Why? Because in reality, markets are driven by the emotional actions and reactions of investors.
If you've ever jumped into a trade because you were afraid of missing out or if you've ever held onto a stock too long, only to sell near the bottom, then you know exactly what I'm talking about.
It's these types of emotions that keep markets irrational and investors guessing.
But my combination of trend and momentum trading is the one strategy that successfully captures the emotions of investors and filters them all OUT.
So as long as you have the discipline to stick to my system, your emotions won't wreck your results.
I often spot a stock that's cruising along with some killer momentum – telling me that everything is going in its favor relative to its peers… but if the trend stinks, there's no way I'm buying it.
Similarly, a stock's trend may be screaming "buy, buy, buy!!!" But if its momentum numbers don't line up, then I won't touch it with a 10-foot pole – and neither should you.
Far too many investors make the mistake of buying stocks in the red and yellow zones of this image… and far too many investors lose big because of that mistake.
But by detecting even a slight change in a stock's trend and momentum, with my system I am able to predict when a stock will enter its Green Zone with a high degree of confidence.
How confident am I talking here?
Cycle 9 – Beating the Market? No … CRUSHING the Market
Since I issued my very first trade recommendation back in November of 2012, my Cycle 9 system has crushed the S&P's average return over the same period !
And investing ONLY when my system sends a GOsignal has shown the potential to increase potential profits!
That's because it ONLY gives me that signal when BOTH the trend AND momentum of a stock are at their optimal points and a stock is fully inside its Green Zone.
When that happens your odds of profiting off a trade increase significantly.
The best part is: you don't need high-level math or a finance degree to be successful with my system.
And you don't need years of market experience or a six-figure portfolio either.
All you need is the ability to know…
In fact, a small group of my readers have already had the chance to use this GOsignal to stack their portfolios full of double and triple-digit gains.
Gains as high as 116%, 124%, 140%, 197%, 201% 336%, 336%, and 432%, just to name a few.
Had you put a $5,000 investment into each of the 135 Green Zone opportunity since I launched Cycle 9 Alert in 2012, you could have pocketed a massive profit of over $125,000!
So to recap, my Cycle 9 system can help you:
• Avoid making those emotional decisions that put many investors into bad trades
• Own stocks and play options ONLY when they're most likely to return market-beating profits
You could achieve all of this – and more – by following just one simple rule…
Only buy a stock or option once it's inside the Green Zone… never before, never after.

But actually that statement doesn't apply to JUST stocks…
Because entire market sectors have their own Green Zones too!
And I've been able to use my Cycle 9 system to crank out multiple double- and triple-digit winners in roughly 70 days on those too.
How to Always Know WHERE and WHEN to Invest Your Money…
Take a look at what I wrote to my readers back a couple of Novembers ago:
Adam O'Dell
Subject: ALERT
Stocks have historically enjoyed a strong seasonal tailwind between Thanksgiving and the New Year.
Since 1967, the S&P 500 has averaged a gain of 2.8% in these roughly 30 trading days, offering positive returns 81% of the time.
What’s more, the consumer discretionary sector is a great place to position yourself for this year-end “Santa Claus” rally.
This consumer discretionary play can work in the runup to any holiday season, but for epic profits, you’ll want to wait for the signal.
Not until November 21st did I get the GOsignal from my system that the SPDR Select Consumer Discretionary ETF (XLY) was about to enter its Green Zone
Here's what happened next:

XLY rose 136% in less than a month and my followers had the chance to sell half the position for a money-doubling gain.
But I waited until January 16th of 2018 to pull the trigger on the second half of our play, netting a whopping 407% gain!
All told, had you acted on my GOsignal on this sector, you could have pocketed a total gain of 272% — enough to turn every $5,000 invested into $18,600.
I always want to know which sectors are outperforming the market and which are underperforming.
So I designed my Cycle 9 system to help me review and rank all of the market's sectors based on the two key metrics I told you about, trend and momentum.
I call this our Leaders & Laggards Board.

There's no guesswork or emotion involved on where or why the sectors fall where they do…
It's all just trend and momentum. That's it.
I simply wait for my system's evaluations and rankings… and when a certain sector's trend and momentum carry it into the Green Zone, I get the GOsignal.
And when that happens, my followers can profit by jumping into sector ETFs.
Now it's important to note – my Cycle 9 system isn't just on autopilot. For every GOsignal it sends me, I then apply my 15 years of market expertise and perform a thorough round of due diligence to double and triple-check its validity.
While I trust my system completely, NOTHING is failsafe. If I'm going to issue a trade recommendation to my readers, I need to know that it not only passed my system's standards, but also mine.
After all I developed it… and its performance is a reflection on me!
And I don't mean to sound cocky here, but I whole-heartedly believe that I'm truly the only person on Earth who can run Cycle 9 properly.
The results seem to bear that out too…
Take a look at that Leaders & Laggards Board above. You'll see that in February 2019, the Health Care sector, was the weakest sector on the board.
So I wasn’t surprised when the Cycle 9 system sent me a screaming GOsignal on the ETF made up of US healthcare providers (IHF)…
My readers who chose to follow the GOsignal into this sector ETF were able to grab a massive 267% profit in just two months, buying on February 26th and selling on April 23rd!
And over the past few years, my readers have had many opportunities to capture fast profits in sector ETFs:

• A 116% profit in the Financial Select Sector (XLF) in three months
• A 74% profit in the Health Care Select Sector ETF (XLY) in one month
• A 38% profit in the Energy Select Sector ETF (XLV) in a little under two months
• A 53% profit on a Russell 2000 ETF (IWM) in three months
• A 91% profit in the Consumer Discretionary Select ETF (XLY) in under 4 months
• A 68% profit in the U.S. Oil Fund (USO) in 2 months
• And a 165% profit on the iPath S&P 500 Volatility ETF (VXX) in three months!
But there's one more thing you need to know about trading sectors… and that's when to stay OUT of certain ones.
You see, there's a seasonal pattern to financial markets. And one of the core tenets of my Cycle 9 system is that certain sectors perform better (or worse) during certain times of the year.
For example: utility stocks are typically strongest between April and June.
Take a look at the average monthly return of the SPDR Utility Sector ETF (XLU) for each calendar month of the year.

It's pretty clear that, while it's typically profitable to be invested in energy in early spring and summer months, you do NOT want to be in those same stocks during the late fall and early winter months.
This proven seasonal pattern allows me to track a number of companies and ETFs tied to the utilities sector… keeping an eye open for the next time their trend and momentum push them into the Green Zone.
And it’s exactly how I was able to jump on a trading opportunity in May 2018.
By recommending a buy on XLU on May 1st and selling in early June, anyone who followed my instructions could have banked a fast 80% profit in 5 weeks!

I've used my Cycle 9 system to conduct a thorough analysis of every major sector, testing entry dates on each month of the year.
The end result is that I now have data that shows me the best three-month period to own each and every sector.
Every market sector's Green Zone… mapped out perfectly and at my fingertips – all year long!
Now I can't reveal those results here for obvious reasons. I have to protect the integrity and value of the system that I've worked so hard to build.
But in a few moments I'll tell you exactly how you CAN see my results – ALL of them in fact, free of charge (as I’ll explain in a moment).
It's an incredibly powerful tool to have at your disposal. Believe me, I know.
You see, I've back-tested my Cycle 9 system extensively using 15 years' worth of data.
These in-depth “dry runs” showed me the unbelievable difference between owning a stock or ETF while in its Green Zone and owning it any other time:
• Individual stocks gained an average of 70% per year while in the Green Zone versus 11.7% per year outside of it.
• Equity ETFs gained an average of 15.5% per year while in the Green Zone versus only 3.2% per year when not.
• Alternative ETFs (bonds, commodities, etc.) gained an average of 18% per year when in Green Zone versus a measly 0.7% per year otherwise.
That's why traders that stuck to waiting for my GOsignal to buy could have pocketed over 73 double- and triple-digit gains over the last seven years…
And that's also why this Green Zone strategy is the backbone for my trading research service; Cycle 9 Alert… which I'm officially inviting the public to try today.
For the Past Few Years, I've Been Using This Go Signal to Find the Best Trades in the Market…
Since November 2012, I've used the GO signals sent from my proprietary momentum/trend algorithm to guide the recommendations I've made to the readers of Cycle 9 Alert.
Thanks to my system, Cycle 9 readers have had the opportunity to collect gains of…
Green Zone Profits! |
267% from IHF in 57 days |
407% from XLY in 57 days |
86% from IEF in 14 days |
68% from USO in 42 days |
337% from FXC in 86 days |
61% from OXY in 39 days |
62% from EWY in 7 days |
89% from CREE in 35 days |
79% from CF in 45 days |
84% from XLU in 37 days |
89% from MDT in 36 days |
64% from GDX in 4 days |
117% from MDT in 36 days |
432% from SVU in 64 days |
On average, we’re delivering an average gain of 14.45%. And almost ALL of those trades took place over a period of 90 days or less.
Now don't get me wrong… if we're in a strong momentum trade and our trade is still in the Green Zone we'll stay in as long as we can.
But looking back over the past few years, two to three months has been the sweet spot for our Cycle 9 trades time and again.
It also lessens the risk to YOUR money by only leaving it at play in the market for a matter of weeks… rather than many months or even years.
Of course, any investment still carries risk. You should never bet more than you can afford to lose.
But since it was launched to the public, Cycle 9 Alert has pocketed an amazing 78of these winners (and counting) – each in roughly 90 days or less.
And it's done it by ignoring all of the typical information Wall Street analysts and investors pay attention to – earnings releases, economic conditions, Fed interest rate decisions…
Remember, none of that matters…
My Cycle 9 system removes all these outside distractions from the decision to buy or sell stocks.
And shows me exactly when to buy AND when to sell any stock or ETF in the market.
But it's one thing for me to just keep telling you that… I'd rather you experience it for yourself.
So here's how to put everything I've just shown you to the test and…
Let Me and My Cycle 9 System Help You Make Your Next WINNING Trade!
I'll be honest, Cycle 9 Alert isn't for everyone…
In fact, we haven't been actively inviting new subscribers for quite some time now and I've purposefully kept our member roster small.
You see, while many use my research simply as an educational tool, people who want to be more actively involved in their portfolio can see a high frequency of trade recommendations.
Mind you – I don’t recommend trading every single day. Not even close! This is NOT day trading.
And remember, the average trade only lasts for two to three months.
But Cycle 9 Alert isn't meant for people who just want to sit back and watch their portfolio grow with an average market return.
To be honest, if you prefer to be completely uninvolved in your portfolio, have no interest in the markets and simply want to "buy and hold", then you should just GObuy an index fund and wait 7 years for your money to double.
But if you're willing to put in about 10 minutes a week reading my updates…
And if you like the idea of pocketing double- and triple-digit winners, in less than 90 days each…
Then the potential double- and occasionally even triple-digit gains you can collect each month as a Cycle 9 Alert member should be perfect for you.
But let me be perfectly CLEAR on one thing…
Even though I'm asking you to spend 10 minutes a week reading over my alerts, rest assured, my Cycle 9 system and I will be doing ALL the heavy lifting for you.
99% of the work involved in collecting the kinds of gains my Cycle 9 Alert readers have seen all falls on me.
The 1% you have to do involves simply opening your email, reading over my trade recommendations, and once you decide the trade is right for you, simply executing online or over the phone with a broker.
That's it!
All you have to do is sit back and wait for my system to send me a GOsignal and then follow the detailed trade instructions and analysis I will send directly to you.
If you feel like you can handle that, then I'd like to tell you about a special offer reserved solely for my readers.
Four FREE Bonuses Just for Joining Today!
First off, just for joining Cycle 9 Alert today I'd like to give you three FREE bonus resources that I've put together for you.

The first is an e-report called The Secret to 90 Day Profits and it will give you all the details on how to use my Cycle 9 strategy and what to expect in each and every alert you receive.
I'll discuss my take on sector analysis and how to use my sector scorecard, the Leaders & Laggards Scoreboard, to see what pockets of the market are currently heading into their Green Zones and which ones are still stuck in the yellow and red.
I'll show you exactly what my trade alerts look like and how to place the same trade with a broker.
And I'll lay out my guide to position sizing in a portfolio. Position sizing is one of the key strategies for risk management in any portfolio and it's important you review the section.
In addition, this e-report will explain the core investment vehicle you can use to reap massive profits in Cycle 9 Alert – options.
All of my trade recommendations in Cycle 9 Alert will use options rather than the underlying stocks or ETFs.
By using options you'll have less money invested and have a defined risk before you enter every trade.
Options also give us the ability to maximize profit per trade while also managing risk.
And they give us plenty of flexibility to take advantage of ANY market condition.
Finally, despite what many investors believe, options are very easy to use.

And to show you how easy it is, I filmed an online video series for you – The Cycle 9 Guide to Maximizing Profit with Options.
In these videos, I'll tell you everything you need to know to place your Cycle 9 Alert options trades. I'll show you how to invest with 100% confidence and no doubt that you're choosing the right strike price and expiration date for the trade.
But wait…
What If I'm Just Not Ready to Trade Options?
Great question… and don't worry because I've got you covered here.
Even if you're NOT comfortable with using options, you CAN still take advantage of my powerful Cycle 9 system by just simply buying the stocks.
In fact, just take a look at this – had I recommended buying the underlying stock instead of the actual option plays on a few of the winners in my Cycle 9 Alert model portfolio, it would have resulted in:
• 59% on iPath S&P 500 Short-Term ETF in 99 days
• 64% on Pan American Silver in 64 days
• 34% on U.S. Steel in 65 days
• 31% on Titan Machinery in 35 days
And those same recommendations, when using options instead of merely the underlying stock, resulted in:
• 331% on iPath S&P 500 Short-Term ETF in 99 days
• 450% on Pan American Silver in 64 days
• 308% on U.S. Steel in 56 days
• 209% on Titan Machinery in 65 days
If you asked 100 traders out there whether they'd be over the moon thrilled with those kinds of gains, 99 would say yes and the 100th would be lying.
While we’ve averaged nearly 15% on our supercharged options trades, the stocks we’re trading on are still in the Green Zone. On average, these unleveraged plays have netted almost 5% gains consistently over the same short holding periods as my option plays. So you see, even if options aren't your speed YET… you could still use my recommendations to make plenty of rock-solid money-making returns until they ARE in your comfort zone.
I've even prepared a short special e-report that shows you in greater detail how easy AND profitable it could be for you to simply trade stocks with Cycle 9.

It's called The Simple Way to Profit With Green Zone Stocks and inside I lay out how you could have still made great gains with Cycle 9 Alert's picks, even without using the options trades I recommend.
Will your returns be lower? Yes, that's just the nature of stocks versus options… but you'll have the opportunity to still make potential profits while you learn options with my Cycle 9 Guide to Maximizing Profit with Options video.
And you can also paper trade my recommendations until you're ready for the real thing.
Just follow my very same buy and sell alerts and purchase shares of the stock to your level of comfort.
And then make sure you're watching my Cycle 9 Guide to Maximizing Profit with Options video in the meantime to get yourself ready for the next step!
I'm giving you both the video AND my new e-report, The Simple Way to Profit With Green Zone Stocks, as well as The Secret to 90 Day Profits, because I want to make sure you have everything you need to start leveraging my GO signals today.
But on top of all that, I'm also going to send you one more FREE bonus that reveals a key piece of information I told you about earlier.
Remember when I said that I've used my Cycle 9 system to pinpoint the seasonal Green Zones for each and every sector in the market?

I can't reveal those results here to such a broad audience… but when you join Cycle 9 Alert today, I'll let you see it all!
All the results of my system's study into these sectors' Green Zones are available for you inside this FREE briefing – The Profitable Impact of Seasonal Clusters.
You'll know the three-month Green Zones I've identified for the energy, financial, and health care sectors… plus EVERY OTHER sector out there in the market today.
No more fumbling around blindly trying to figure out when the best time to invest in a certain area is.
And I'll make sure you have instant access to this top-secret briefing along with The Secret to 90 Day Profits and The Cycle 9 Guide to Maximizing Profit with Options when you agree to your subscription of Cycle 9 Alert.
Your Key to Making MORE Winning Trades and Collecting BIGGER Profits…
As I said, today you have a chance to join Cycle 9 Alert as one of our newest members.
When you agree to start learning how to trade the markets using the GO signals sent from my Cycle 9 Alert, you'll get all of the following member benefits:
Cycle 9 Alert Weekly Research Update
Every week I review all of the open positions in our Cycle 9 Alert model portfolio. I also update you on the latest financial events and trends so you can always be “in the know”, or perhaps even ready to lock-in gains or free up cash when we cycle into a new position. Just the educational value in my weekly updates makes joining well worth it.
Cycle 9 Trade Alerts
You'll receive a trade alert every time my system flashes GOand I decide the opportunity is ripe for picking. Each alert will include the ticker symbol and specific entry price for our latest Green Zone opportunity. I’ll also break down each play with my expert analysis.
Cycle 9 Sell Alerts
We don't marry any position in Cycle 9 Alert. As soon as my system says a stock has exited the Green Zone, it’s time to book any profits and move onto the next potential winner.
Cycle 9 Alert Concierge Service
Membership in Cycle 9 Alert includes unlimited usage of our concierge service. If you have any questions about your account or my Cycle 9 service, you have a personal hotline to the Cycle 9 Alert support team.
Access to our VIP Website
You also get 24/7 members-only access to the VIP website. Log in and get immediate access to a complete archive of our Weekly Updates, Trade Alerts, Sell Alerts, Special E-Reports, and a live look at our current model portfolio and past performance.
And when you accept this offer today I'll also send you the additional resources I told you about:
The Strategy Report: The Secret to 90 Day Profits
This special briefing details how my Cycle 9 Alert system helps me identify the massive profit opportunities that have given my readers the chance to pocket over 73 double- and triple-digit winners in 90 days or less. You'll also discover how you can profit in up, down, and sideways markets simply by using my GO signal to find the best trades in any market sector.
The Profitable Impact of Seasonal Clusters
As the calendar changes and sectors rotate, so should your money. I've run a full sweep of test through the calendar year and the results are in! Grab this e-report today and discover the best three-month period to buy each of the major market sectors.
The Simple Way to Profit With Green Zone Stocks
This short e-report will show you exactly how you could still stack rock-solid gains inside your portfolio simply buying the underlying stock on the options plays I recommend inside Cycle 9 Alert. I'm talking gains like 34%, 31%, 59%, 64%, and more … resulting in almost 5% gains consistently over the same short holding periods. If you're not ready to dive into options yet, this is a perfect way to build your wealth while you learn.
The Cycle 9 Guide to Maximizing Profit with Options
Contrary to popular belief, options are very easy to use. And if you're at all concerned about jumping into options, I've made it even easier by putting together this video tutorial. You'll learn everything you need to know to understand your Cycle 9 trade alerts and place every buy and sell order. Just spend some time watching this video series and you'll be ready to profit from the first GOsignal to hit your inbox.

That's FOUR free resources you get immediate access to when you accept your subscription to Cycle 9 Alert.
What's so appealing about my Cycle 9 Alert strategy is that if you want to use it to help you trade you don't need to worry about any external factors… you really can just wait for the green GOsignal, read my recommendation, and then make your trades.
You don't need years of investing experience… you only need about 10 minutes a week to read my market updates and trade notifications and then take action in your own portfolio.
And because we're dealing with options, you don't need a large account to get started…
Most of my recommendations cost only a couple hundred dollars. With options, you’re only on the hook for however much you put in upfront. You can easily start an entire portfolio with under $5,000. That said, never invest more than you can afford to lose.
In fact, you won't even need nearly that much to get started with Cycle 9 Alert today…
Discover the Power of Cycle 9 Alert!
If you were to hire a professional investment advisor to manage your money, you'd be paying at least 1% to 2% per year with no performance guarantee whatsoever.
Yup, they get their fee whether YOU make money or not!
With Cycle 9 Alert, you get a research service that's shown readers the chance at over 78 winners over the past seven years, averaging a 15% gain per trade in just over two months each…
With individual gains like 116%, 124%, 140%, 191%, 201%, 316%, and 432%… all in less than 90 days…
And keep in mind, that average gain is counting all of my winners AND the losers.
That’s a track record I’d proudly put up against any professional money manager on Wall Street…
And with proven profits like that, I could easily justify charging $5,000 a year for Cycle 9 Alert.
The truth is, Cycle 9 Alert isn’t cheap. The regular retail price of this research service is $2,795 a year.
But if you join today, you can start receiving recommendations based on my system’s GO signals from Cycle 9 Alert for just $1,495.
That’s an amazing 46% savings off the regular annual price and works out to only $4.09 per day.
You probably spend more on a trip to your local Starbucks or McDonald’s… neither of which can offer the kind of profit opportunities you can get from Cycle 9 Alert.
And if you think that can’t happen to you, consider how these readers have done simply by following my GO signals:
“So far my results have been terrific. I traded 10 contracts on ROK … for $5,700 … sold for $13,500. A gain of 136% in six weeks! Next, I bought 11 contracts of SCCO for $1,113 … sold all for $6,710. Another gain of 115% in one month! Frankly, I am excited by the results! I look forward to your name popping up on my computer screen.” RON R.
“I only invested $3,000 [into shares of ROK], closed the whole trade and made 107% [over the course of six weeks]. Which is great. As I proceed I will invest more. Very easy to place trades. You will have me forever.” SARAH H.
These are just a few of the hundreds of success stories my readers have shared with me over the past several years.
I sincerely hope I get to hear this same kind of feedback from you… and here’s how I plan to help you do it.
I’m confident that once you realize how easy it is to simply wait for my GOsignal and then follow along with one exciting Green Zone trade recommendation after another, you’ll be hooked.
With my Cycle 9 Alert, you’ll receive…
• My weekly Cycle 9 Trade Alerts and see which sectors, stocks and ETF’s my system shows are heading into their Green Zones today.
• A look at my fully-disclosed track record – I show you all my winners and losers… something many of my competitors wouldn’t think of doing.
• Free e-reports and watch The Cycle 9 Guide to Maximizing Profit with Options. These resources are yours to keep no matter what you decide over the next 90 days.
• Start trading off my GOsignal – either on paper or in your live accounts – and discover how easy it really is to find the best profit opportunities in any market.
Now, the choice is yours…
Simply click here to start with Cycle 9 Alert.
I’ll rush your online access information so you can dive into your special e-reports and review my latest recommendations within the next couple of minutes.
I hope you find the power of my Cycle 9 Alert system and my GOsignal as liberating as I have…
No more worrying about global economics…
No more worrying about company earnings reports…
No more managing your emotions while trying to determine whether to buy or sell.
Just wait for GO, make the trade I recommend if it’s right for you, and then if all goes according to plan sit back and watch the profits roll in.
Click this button to get started now.
If you’d rather speak to someone in person, you can call our VIP Service Team at 1-877-422-1888 to claim your instant $1,300 savings off the regular price.
Now is the time. The light is GREEN. And remember…
I look forward to working with you.
Adam O’Dell
Editor, Cycle 9 Alert
P.S. Remember, with Cycle 9 Alert, you get a service that’s delivered over 78 winners over the past seven years, averaging a massive 15% profit per trade. With individual gains like 116%, 124%, 140%, 197%, 201% 336%, and 432%…
And you can sample it for 90 days… If it's not for you, I'll refund every penny of your subscription cost, no questions asked. That's an incredible amount of potential profit on the table – with next-to-no risk to you. There's really no reason not to at least TRY my strategy for yourself…